Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

VW Beetle 2011

VW Beetle

It can be it no longer off, all the Gesäusel and Getätschel, nice and friendly. And if again one tries to plant it a flower to the instrument panel then it knocks it with the Ganghebel on the paws. 14 years after the rundgelutschten reon purchasing VOLKSWAGEN beetle Beetle number II with a new target group would like to flirt: Men. No, in the sense of ” not in such a way; Gay car OF the year” (there the predecessor often was on the landing). The average man is to be finally interested in him. Saliently and angularly instead of schnuckelig and sweetly But the VOLKSWAGEN Beetle ducks itself sportily more deeply, gives to its round rear lights the run passport, gets themselves for it angular and places themselves on particularly large wheels.

VW Beetle

So far, so nicely, pardon, coolly. Whether this operation brings desired success, must show up only. As well known the old beetles are everything else as sharp-edged or flat – and nevertheless mainly of men are loved and maintained. Thus steals the exhibition from the new VOLKSWAGEN Beetle with its first exit in Stuttgart a wonderful restored sport beetle with kultigen harsh IE stickers and hectically schnatterndem 1.200er-Boxer a little.

VW Beetle

” God, is süß” , a bearded Passant is pleased about the 1961er VOLKSWAGEN. We find also. Exactly that does not want to be the new VOLKSWAGEN Beetle no more. Already not at all in its sportiest execution with aerodynamic Vesperbrett at the tail, 19-Zoll-Pneus and rassigem GTI engine under the hood. The new VOLKSWAGEN Beetle jumps directly from the gulf iv-platform with compound steering wheel rear axle on the vi-variant with multi-steering wheel and the new TSI engines of 1,4 to two litres. And engine mount version EA888 makes third acoustically powerful on modernistic activate button printing. Unusually male Grummeln of the VOLKSWAGEN Beetle Deeply and – we say the releasing M-Wörtchen – male the two-litre four-cylinder in the VOLKSWAGEN Beetle from the doppelflutigen final pipes grummelt.

Volkswagen Beetle

Those by the way like Ofenrohre beside the smoking Strohhälmchen of the Grandpa look. Gas freely, and the Beetle shoots determined by dannen like a young dog with view of the sausage. Missing ten respect HP to the 210 of the GTI are hardly noticeable. During each shifting process of the six-course double clutch transmission (in the oil bath for more torque firmness) the gas change in a bassigen Ploppen unloads itself, and there is no doubt to the fact that this propulsion to fans of each sex the Mundwinkel extremely vertically forgave. Which was also not to be expected differently. Only because VOLKSWAGEN a Retrokarosse drüberstülpt, that changes for nothing to admits balanced gulf handling characteristics.

Volkswagen Beetle

Thus the VOLKSWAGEN Beetle rolling in the future in the Mexican Puebla of the volume wuselt delicately with full road-hugging property around curves, with its precise like drive-influence-poor electromechanical steering element and takes completely close curves even some more loose: Its contrary to the basis wheel base shortened around five centimeter on 2.53 meters helps when ranking in the city.

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